
Timeline proposed only for Asimov short-stories or books. It does not include any fan fiction or "Asimov Friends" books:

1995 AD "A Boy's Best Friend" (The Complete Robot)
1998 AD "Robbie" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2006 AD "Robot AL-76 Goes Astray" (The Rest of the Robots; The Complete Robot)
2010 AD "Insert Knob A in Hold B" (Nightfall and Other Stories)
2015 AD "Runaround" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions
2015 AD "Reason" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2016 AD "Catch That Rabbit" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot)
2021 AD "Liar!" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2023 AD "Satisfaction Guaranteed" (The Rest of the Robots; The Complete Robot; Earth Is Room Enough)
2025 AD "Lenny" (The Rest of the Robots; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2029 AD "Little Lost Robot" (I, Robot)
2030 AD "Escape!" (I, Robot)
2031 AD "Cal" (Gold)
2032 AD "Evidence" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2033 AD "Risk" (The Rest of the Robots; The Complete Robot)
2034 AD "Galley Slave" (The Rest of the Robots; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2035 AD "First Law" (The Rest of the Robots; The Complete Robot)
2052 AD "The Evitable Conflict" (I, Robot; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
2055 AD "Robot Dreams" (Robot Dreams)
2058 AD (I, Robot framing-story)
2063 AD "Feminine Intuition" (The Complete Robot; Robot Visions; The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories)
2090 AD "Christmas Without Rodney" (Robot Visions)
2120 AD "Kid Brother" (Gold)
2150 AD "Light Verse" (Buy Jupiter and Other Stories; The Complete Robot; Robot Dreams)
2170 AD "Too Bad!" (Robot Visions)
2180 AD "That Thou Art Mindful of Him" (The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories; The Complete Robot)
2160-2360 AD "The Bicentennial Man" (The Bicentennial Man and Other Stories)
c. 3720 AD "Mother Earth" (The Early Asimov)
4721 AD The Caves of Steel
4722 AD The Naked Sun
4723 AD "Mirror Image" (The Best of Isaac Asimov; The Complete Robot; Robot Visions)
4724 AD The Robots of Dawn
4924 AD Robots and Empire
c. 5924 AD The Stars, Like Dust
c. 11,084 AD The Currents of Space
827 GE (12,411 AD) Pebble in the Sky
977-978 GE "Blind Alley" (The Early Asimov)
12,020 GE Prelude to Foundation
12,028 GE "Eto Demerzel" (Forward the Foundation)
12,038 GE "Cleon I" (Forward the Foundation)
12,048 GE "Dors Venabili" (Forward the Foundation)
12,058 GE "Wanda Seldon" (Forward the Foundation)
12,067 GE "The Psychohistorians" (Foundation)
12,069 GE Epilogue (Forward the Foundation)

49-50 FE (12,117-12,118  GE)

"The Encyclopedists" (Foundation)
79-80 FE (12,147-12,148 GE) "The Mayors" (Foundation)
134 FE (12,202 GE) "The Traders" (Foundation)
154-160 FE (12,222-12,228 GE) "The Merchant Princes" (Foundation)
195-196 FE (12,263-12,264 GE) "The General" (Foundation and Empire)
310-311 FE (12,378-12,379 GE) "The Mule" (Foundation and Empire)
316 FE (12,384 GE) "Search by the Mule" (Second Foundation)
376-377 FE (12,444-12,445 GE) "Search by the Foundation" (Second Foundation)
498 FE (12,566 GE) Foundation's Edge
498 FE (12,566 GE) Foundation and Earth


1. The dating of the novelette "Mother Earth" is approximate, and is calculated backwards from the dating of the novel The Caves of Steel (4721 AD), which takes place around one thousand years after the rebellion of the Outer Worlds against Earth (roughly around 3720 AD).

2. The date of the Sarton murder-case is calculated as follows: Baley states that the city of New York had been around for at least 3,000 years. As New York was renamed from "New Amsterdam" by the British in 1664 AD, this puts the Sarton murder-case at or after 4664 AD. Baley had met his future wife nineteen years earlier in "’02"...therefore, if that was 4702 AD, the Sarton murder-case takes place in 4721 AD.

3. Foundation's Edge takes place about 22,000 years after interstellar travel begins; i.e., AD 24,000. This is 12,566 years after the founding of the Galactic Empire, which sets the Empire's foundation around the year AD 11,584, which translates into the year 1 GE.
