
Aurora is a fictional planet in Isaac Asimov's Robot series.

About Aurora[]

Originally named New Earth, in later millennia the planet would be renamed "Aurora", which means "dawn", to signify the dawning of a new age for the Spacer culture. It is an Earthlike planet, the innermost planet orbiting the star Tau Ceti (12 ly from Sol). It was the first Spacer planet colonized, established in 2065. Its capital is Eon (20.000 habitants aprox.). As it was highly populated and developed, it was considered the "capital" of the Spacers. The planet has two moons: Tithonus I and Tithonus II.

Aurora at its height had a population of 200 million humans, and 10 billion robots. The head of its planetary government was called the "Chairman." The largest city on the planet was Eos (which means also "dawn"), the administrative and robotic centre of Aurora, where Han Fastolfe and Gladia Solaria lived. The University of Eos and the Auroran Robotics Institute were both located within Eos.[1]

After the decline of the Spacers, the planet's remaining inhabitants are believed to have emigrated to Trantor, settling in the Mycogen Sector. The descendants of the Aurorans, or Mycogenians, never forgot Aurora, but they apparently evolved to the point where they were indistinguishable from Settlers. The scripture of the Mycogenians mentions Aurora, robots, and other topics; Hari Seldon peruses this document and finds the "corpse" of a robot in Mycogen also.[2] Ironically, the culture of Mycogen appears to be in many ways a complete opposite of Aurora. Where the society of Aurora had complete gender equality and social mobility, Mycogen has a restrictive caste system with women apparently taking the place of Auroran robots, with absolutely no rights. It is also very restrictive sexually, where Aurora was basically a free love society. Mycogen, a sector of Trantor, identifies Aurora as the first planet and gives a high value to the Robots, lamenting his lost.

The searchers for Earth visit Aurora, along with other ancient settlements. The planet is by then not inhabited by human beings, and its desertified ecology is dominated by feral dogs.[3]



