Catastrophes! is an anthology edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin Harry Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh. It was first published by Fawcett Crest in 1981.
- Universe Destroyed
- The Last Trump (by Isaac Asimov)
- No Other Gods (by Edward Wellen)
- The Wine Has Been Left Open Too Long and the Memory Has Gone Flat (by Harlan Ellison)
- Stars, Won't You Hide Me? (by Ben Bova)
- Sun Destroyed
- Judgement Day (by Lloyd Biggie Jr.)
- The Custodian (by William Tenn)
- Phoenix (by Clark Ashton Smith)
- Run From the Fire (by Harry Harrison)
- Earth Destroyed
- Requiem (by Edmond Hamilton)
- At the Core (by Larry Niven)
- A Pail of Air (by Fritz Leiber)
- King of the Hill (by Chad Oliver)
- Humanity Destroyed
- The New Atlantis (by Ursula K. Le Guin)
- History Lesson (by Arthur C. Clarke)
- Seeds of the Dusk (by Raymond Z. Gallun)
- Dark Benediction (by Walter M. Miller Jr.)
- Civilization Destroyed
- Last Night of Summer (by Alfred Coppel)
- The Store of the Worlds (by Robert Sheckley)
- How It Was When the Past Went Away (by Robert Silverberg)
- Shark Ship (by C. M. Kornbluth)