The Robot series is the set of 37 short stories and 5 novels by science-fiction author Isaac Asimov about his positronic robot characters.
Short Stories[]
Brief description
1940 |
"Robbie" |
1941 |
"Reason" |
1941 |
"Liar!" |
1942 |
"Runaround" |
1942 |
"Robot AL-76 Goes Astray" |
1942 |
"Victory Unintentional" |
1944 |
"Catch That Rabbit" |
1945 |
"Escape!" |
1946 |
"Evidence" |
1947 |
"Little Lost Robot" |
1950 |
"The Evitable Conflict" |
1951 |
"Satisfaction Guaranteed" |
1953 |
"Sally" |
1955 |
"Risk" |
1956 |
"Someday" |
Two boys attempt to increase a computer's vocabulary, with unexpected consequences.
1956 |
"First Law" |
1957 |
"Galley Slave" |
1957 |
"Let's Get Together" |
1958 |
"Lenny" |
"Segregationist" |
1969 |
"Feminine Intuition" |
1972 |
"Mirror Image" |
1973 |
"Light Verse" |
1974 |
"Stranger in Paradise" |
1974 |
"... That Thou Art Mindful of Him" |
1975 |
"A Boy's Best Friend" |
1975 |
"Point of View" |
When Multivac malfunctions, its technician needs to look at the problem from a different point of view.
1976 |
"The Bicentennial Man" |
1976 |
"The Tercentenary Incident" |
1977 |
"Think!" |
New electroencephalographic research leads to an astounding discovery.
1977 |
"True Love" |
Multivac reveals a downside to computer dating.
1986 |
"Robot Dreams (short story)" |
1988 |
"Christmas Without Rodney" |
1989 |
"Too Bad!" |
1990 |
"Robot Visions (short story)" |
1990 |
"Cal" |
A robot desires to become a writer.
1990 |
"Kid Brother" |