
The Complete Robot is a science-fiction short story collection by Isaac Asimov.

The Complete Robot includes all of the stories of I, Robot and The Rest of the Robots with fourteen additional short stories from the Robot series.


  1. A Boy's Best Friend
  2. Sally
  3. Someday
  4. Point of View
  5. Think!
  6. True Love
  7. Robot AL-76 Goes Astray
  8. Victory Unintentional
  9. Stranger in Paradise
  10. Light Verse
  11. Segregationist
  12. Robbie
  13. Let's Get Together
  14. Mirror Image
  15. The Tercentenary Incident
  16. First Law
  17. Runaround
  18. Reason
  19. Catch That Rabbit
  20. Liar!
  21. Satisfaction Guaranteed
  22. Lenny
  23. Galley Slave
  24. Little Lost Robot
  25. Risk
  26. Escape!
  27. Evidence
  28. The Evitable Conflict
  29. Feminine Intuition
  30. ... That Thou Art Mindful of Him
  31. The Bicentennial Man


See Also[]

List of Books by Isaac Asimov
